"A jv nem az a hely, ahov igyeksznk,
a jv az a hely, amelyet mi magunknak ksztnk."
Jeanne D'Arc
Sophia: Mrs. God
"For her thoughts are more than the sea, and her counsels profounder than the great deep." Sophia is the Hebrew "consort" of Yahweh, and probably predates him, her origins going back to Inanna and Isis. She is the "woman clothed with the sun," who brings the blazing light of knowledge. Sophia is the embodiment of all wisdom, and it is she who urges us to know, to understand. She leads the willing soul out of ignorance and blesses those who study and endeavor to know her. In the words of Solomon: "I prayed and understanding was given me: I called upon God and the spirit of Wisdom came to me. I loved Her above health and beauty, and chose to have Her instead of light, for the light that cometh from Her never goeth out." Sophia is the deepest part of ourselves – that part that can grasp in an instant the mysteries of the ages."
Gondolatai mlyebbek a tengernl s tancsai ebbl a mlysgbl fakadnak. Sophia Jehova trsa s idben valszinleg t megelzi. Eredetben Inannhoz s Isishez nylik vissza. a napba ltztt n, aki a tuds lngjt hordozza. Sophia a blcsessg megtestestje, aki a tuds megszerzsre, a dolgok megrtsre ksztet bennnket. Az erre hajlamos lelkeket kivezeti a tudatlansgbl s ldst hoz azokra, akik tanulnak s trekednek arra, hogy megrtsk t. Salamon szavaival:
Sophia lnyegnk legmlyebb rsze, az a rsz, ami a pillanatban az rklt titkt ragadja meg.
"Imdkoztam s tuds adatott nekem, hvtam Istent s a blcsessg szelleme megjelent nekem. Szerettem t jobban, mint az egszsget s a szpsget. A dicssg fnye helyett azt a fnyt vlasztottam, ami tle szrmazik s soha ki nem alszik."
(Fordtotta: Huszrn Jlia)
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